- Cavernosal fibrosis, in which the penile tissue is partially replaced by cartilage;
- Penile hypoplasia;
- Erectile dysfunction, caused by ruptured blood vessels in the penis or Peyronie's disease;
- Endocrine impotence, which occurs in the context of diabetes;
- history of unsuccessful penile surgery;
- The effects of surgery on the prostate, bladder, and rectum need to be eliminated.
There are many contraindications to penis enlargement:
- severe diabetes;
- Oncology;
- sexually transmitted diseases;
- Exacerbation of chronic diseases of the genitourinary system (prostatitis, urethritis, cystitis);
- Genital herpes;
- Ulcers and wounds are present on the penis.
- coagulopathy;
- The patient has a mental disorder.
What kind of penis is considered normal?
Penis enlargement surgery methods
Non-surgical enhancement methods
Penis enlargement combination methods
Thickening of the glans penis
penis enlargement surgery
penis enlargement
enlargement of glans penis
- The difference between the diameter of the shaft and head of the penis;
- Inability to use an extender to extend the penis due to insufficient head size (the device does not secure properly);
- It is necessary to maintain the correct proportions of the enlarged penis.
Penis Enlargement: Advantages and Disadvantages
- the simplicity and safety of this surgical intervention;
- Positive impact on men’s sexual and mental health;
- Improve the quality of intimate life;
- Increased penis length is maintained for life.
Penis enlargement surgery also has its detractors;
- The possibilities for surgical intervention are very limited - the length of the penis enlarged in this way does not exceed 5 cm and the width does not exceed 6 cm;
- Traces of surgery may remain on the organ that was operated on;
- The effects of surgery are short-lived (when the penis becomes thicker, the volume created lasts only a few years at most);
- Possible complications (bleeding, wound infection, pain during erection, postoperative wound suppuration).
Operation result
The effectiveness of using an extender depends on the following conditions:
- Initial penis length (the bigger, the better). This is why you can achieve the most impressive results after ligament surgery;
- Correct anatomy of the penis (affects the possibility of attaching an extender);
- Age (the elasticity and stretch ability of tissues decrease with age);
- Patient adherence (the more often and for a longer period of time the device is used, the better the results).
Thinner but longer or thicker but shorter? What's more important?

Which is more important, length or width?
penis enlargement
The substance is very effective, does not pose a threat to health and does not accumulate in the structure.
Penis enlargement by introducing polylactic acid-based fillers under the skin of the penis
Program results
How to enlarge your penis at home

- infectious diseases;
- Exacerbation of chronic processes;
- sexually transmitted diseases;
- Inflammatory process of the skin of the penis.
soda method

- Dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water.
- After showering or bathing, pour the solution on your penis.
- Dry the organs with wet wipes.
Jelqinfa – does it help enlarge the penis?

- Before starting the procedure, the penis must be in a state of arousal, 60-70%, but should not become stiff.
- Wrap the penis in a damp towel to steam it. This makes the corpora cavernosa of the penis elastic.
- Wrap your thumb and index finger around the base of your penis and hold for about 10 seconds.
- Without opening the finger rings, guide them toward the head. After reaching the destination, the first hand stops but does not move away, and the second hand repeats the movement it made. As the second hand approaches the first, it releases the head and begins to repeat the exercise.
Enlarge male penis with vacuum pump

- Place the penis into the flask.
- Press the base against your pubic bone.
- Use a light bulb to slowly pump out the air.
Use an extender

- harness. They are rarely used, are uncomfortable to wear, and put a lot of pressure on reproductive organs. It cannot be worn for more than 30 minutes and must be rested after. The maximum wearing time per day is 6 hours.
- tape. It is most commonly prescribed to be worn during the postoperative period. They grip the head tightly and cause less discomfort than the flagellar mechanism.
- vacuum. The mechanism is based on extracting air from a chamber placed on the head of the penis. Long-term wear is not recommended as it can promote the formation of blisters.
- vacuum bonding. Not only is a vacuum used, but also gel is used to hold the head in place.
Increased by stretcher